Revolutionize student job placement with NextStep, a comprehensive Job Portal Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System! NextStep streamlines tasks for universities and job providers, efficiently managing user data, job matching with powerful algorithms, fee management, automated communication, and interview scheduling. Trusted by leading institutions across India and Maharashtra, NextStep simplifies the student job search, enhancing access to relevant opportunities. This one-stop solution empowers institutions to connect students with suitable employment, fostering successful career journeys. NextStep offers secure user data storage, streamlines fee management, and automates communication for a seamless experience for all users.
A Job Portal is an educational institution designed to provide service spaces and service environments for the teaching of students under the direction of teachers, We Are Develop 18+ Module in Job Portal
Job Packages
Post a Jobs
Arrange Interview
Upload Resume
Manage Students Data
Confirmed Job Students
Jobless Students
Students Enquiry
Company's Requirement
Company Hire Students
We provides one stop solution
In sync with technology
Data security
Available on mobile and desktop
Go paperless
Excellent customer support
Easy to implement and use
Provides personalised
Own dashboards
Saves time
A cost-effective solution
Access data anywhere anytime
Graphical reports
Simple and easy.